perm filename GM[NOT,DBL] blob sn#208292 filedate 1976-03-30 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
.LTR(Dr. George G. Dodd)
Asst. Head, Computer Science Department
General Motors Research Labs
General Motors Technical Center
Warren, Mich. 48090


Dear George,

Thank  you   for   your  letter   of  March   10.     I've   accepted
Carnegie-Mellon's  offer, and  expect to move  to Pittsburgh  in late
August.  I'll probably remain here at Stanford this summer, polishing
my thesis, and I'll notify you if those plans change.  My oral thesis
defense is  scheduled for May 19, so I may be technically finished by

As you outlined in your letter, the best course of  action will be to
wait  until August,  when my  wife  and I  move. At  that  time, I'll
contact you again, to arrange my visit to Warren.

If you publish any reports on the representation project before then,
please send me  a copy. I'll mail you  a copy of my thesis  when it's

.DBL(Sincerely yours)